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Sexual Health

During college, many young adults become sexually active or start exploring their sexual identity for the first time. WKU students are no exception! Unfortunately, many of these students lack the knowledge to navigate their sexual health, which can lead to engaging in sexual behaviors that risk their health. These unintended health outcomes include contracting sexually transmitted infections (STIs), pregnancy, and sexual violence. In this fun and interactive presentation, our health educators talk about all things related to having better, safer sex (#SafeSexIsSexy).


By the end of this presentation, the following objectives will be met:

  • Students will be able to list the most common STIs among college students.

  • Students will be able to explain how STIs can negatively affect long-term health.

  • Students will be challenged to debunk myths surrounding STIs and sexual health.

  • Students will be able to recognize different types of contraception and barrier methods.

  • Students will be able to define and express consent.

  • Students will be able to correctly use a condom.


To request a presentation, please contact Health Education and Promotion at healthed@wku.edu or call (270) 745-4491.






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 Last Modified 8/8/24