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Acapella Groups

WKU RedShirts and TrebleMakers

Dr. Paul Hondorp and Dr. Lauren Whitham, faculty advisors
Rehearsal Schedule: TBD
Western Kentucky University has two student-run acapella groups. These ensembles are open by audition to university students enrolled in either MUS 370 or MUS 340. Students must maintain current enrollment in one of these curricular ensembles in order to participate in the acapella ensembles, and be in good academic standing.
The WKU acapella groups shall consider all auditionees meeting the audition requirements and shall maintain a membership that is without any discrimination based on race, religion, disability, ethnicity, gender identity, or sexual orientation.
Students singing tenor or bass in MUS 340 may audition for RedShirts and will be assigned to tenor or bass in the ensemble, and students singing soprano or alto in MUS 370 or MUS 340 may audition for TrebleMakers and will be assigned to soprano or alto in the ensemble regardless of gender identity. Admission into one of the acapella groups as “vocal percussionists” will be at the discretion of the student leadership and upon approval by the faculty advisor.
Involvement with the acapella groups at WKU is ideal for those interested in exploring vocal performance and ensemble work in a supportive and dynamic environment. Students will have the opportunity to explore many different styles of singing within the pop genre.
The acapella groups have opportunities to perform with the curricular ensembles up to four times a year, upon the completion of a successful jury and faculty approval. Additional performances may include recruiting trips to area high schools, and other campus and community events.
TrebleMakers 2023
RedShirts in concert 2023

Thank you to all auditionees!

TrebleMakers Roster Fall 2024

(rehearsals Tues/Thurs)

Aletheia Burt

Anabelle Callister

Bella Daep

Shade Graham

Mikayla Mattocks *

Keelin Murrell

Holly Pietro *

Bailey Reed

Grace Satriano

Johnna Smith

Meara Wilcox

Sophia Wyatt


*co music-directors 


WKU RedShirts Fall 2024 Roster 

(rehearsals on Tuesdays only)

David Brown  

Luke Cissell   

Cade Stephens  

Dee Mason-Walker * 

Will Mason-Walker * 

Donari Merritt 

Blake Miller 

Jackson Orr  

Jazz Page 

Eljahrah Pigram 

Ethan Vickers  

Jae Williams 


*co music-directors 

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 Last Modified 9/17/24