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Why Study Physics & Astronomy at WKU



Kenny Purcell

"I attribute all of my success to my experience at the WKU Physics department." 

 Jordan Lindsay "My degree in physics from WKU helps me everyday in my job by allowing me to communicate with a wide variety of scientific disciplines." 
  • Jordan Lindsey, B.S., Physics, 2002
  • Robotics Flight Controller, Mission Control at the NASA Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas.
 Josh James "I obtained the necessary physics training and experience I needed in order to be accepted into and to be successful in a highly respected medical physics graduate program." 
Julie Wathen "Studying Physics at WKU was a real treasure because of the small class sizes and opportunities to get involved in additional projects." 
 Tala Monroe

"The best gift I received from the department was the encouragement I needed to pursue this career path. The one-on-one time I received from the professors was invaluable." 

  • Tala Monroe, B.S., Physics, Summa Cum Laude, 2003
  • Graduate student at Indiana University.





 A community of faculty, staff, and students engaged in better understanding the physical world. 

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 Last Modified 2/17/22