Commuter Parking
How Do Parking Permit Sales Work?
Commuter permit sales are available to students living off campus. Commuter permits are sold on a first come, first served basis while supplies last. A wait list will be available for each lot after that permit sells out. Wait lists are released weekly throughout the year. To be placed on a wait list, use the permit wait list option on your WKU PARKING ACCOUNT .
Please note: parking lots may be reserved at any time for events or maintenance. Monitor WKU e-mail or PTS Facebook / Twitter pages for service announcements.
Permit Descriptions
AC1: Alumni Square Garage Permit (6:00 AM - 9:00 PM) - $250/year
The Alumni Square Garage Commuter permit (AC1) allows parking in:
- 6:00AM - 9:00PM:
- Alumni Square Garage
- Russellville Road West Park and Ride Lot (C6)
- South Campus Commuter Park and Ride Lots (C7)
- 2:00PM - 7:30AM weekdays
- Parking Structure 2 (C1)
- Park Street Lot (C4)
- Lots zoned "OZ" (Overflow Zones) on the Main Campus
- 4:30PM - 9:00PM weekdays.
- All lots except Housing.
- 9:00PM - 7:30AM
- All zones except Housing and Alumni Sqaure Garage.
- AC1 permits are recommended for students taking classes on the north end of campus (The Hill).
- Served by the Kentucky Street Route.
AC2: Alumni Square Garage Permit (24/7 access) - $305/year
The Alumni Square Garage Commuter permit (AC2) allows parking in:
- Anytime
- Alumni Square Garage
- South Campus Commuter Park and Ride Lots (C7)
- 2:00PM - 7:30AM weekdays
- Parking Structure 2 (C1)
- Park Street Lot (C4)
- 4:30PM - 7:30AM weekdays
- All lots except Housing.
- AC2 permits are recommended for students taking classes on the north end of campus (The Hill) or who need to park on campus for an extended amount of time.
- Served by the Kentucky Street Route.
HS: Health Sciences - $150/year
The Health Sciences permit (HS) allows parking in:
- Anytime:
- The WKU Medical Center Gated Lot at the Medical Center Complex downtown
- C6 Russellville Road West Park and Ride Lot
- C7 South Campus Park and Ride lots
- Lots zoned "OZ" (Overflow Zones) on the Main Campus
- 2:00PM - 7:30AM weekdays
- Parking Structure 2 (C1)
- Park Street Lot (C4)
- 4:30PM - 7:30AM weekdays
- All lots except Housing.
- Available only to students enrolled in the Nursing School or DPT program.
C1, C2: Main Campus Premium Permits - $270/year
The Premium Commuter permits (C1 and C2) allow parking in:
- Anytime
- Your designated zone
- C1 = Parking Structure 2
- C2 = Chestnut Street North Lot
- C6 Russellville Road West Park and Ride Lot
- C7 South Campus Park and Ride lots
- Lots zoned "OZ" (Overflow Zones) on the main campus
- Your designated zone
- 2:00PM - 7:30AM weekdays
- Parking Structure 1 (C1)
- Park Street Lot (C4)
- 4:30PM - 7:30AM weekdays
- All lots except Housing.
- C1 permits are recommended for students taking classes in the center of campus. Served by the Campus Circulator Route.
- C2 permits are recommended for students taking classes in the Ogden College Hall area. Served by the South Campus Route.
C3, C4, C5: Non-Premium Commuter Permits - $140/year
The Non-Premium Commuter permits (C3 and C4) allow parking in:
- Anytime
- Your designated zone:
- C3 = Kentucky Street Lot
- Provides parking in the Commuter section of Kentucky Street Lot.
- C4 = Park Street Lot
- Provides parking in the Park Street Lot located on Park Street between Cabell Street and 14th Avenue. Served by the South Campus Route.
- C3 = Kentucky Street Lot
- C6 Russellville Road West Park and Ride Lot
- C7 South Campus Park and Ride lots.
- Lots zoned "OZ" (Overflow Zones) on the main campus
- Your designated zone:
- 2:00PM - 7:30AM weekdays
- Parking Structure 2 (C1)
- Park Street Lot (C4)
- 4:30PM and 7:30AM weekdays
- All lots except Housing.
The Non-Premium Commuter permit (C5) allows parking in:
- Anytime:
- Your designated zone
- C5 = Parking Structure 3
- Provides parking in Parking Structure 3, located on the south end of campus in the Creason Lot. Served by the Kentucky Street Route and the Campus Circulator Route.
- C6 Russellville Road West Park and Ride Lot
- C7 South Campus Park and Ride lots
- Your designated zone
- 2:00PM - 7:30AM
- Parking Structure 2 (C1)
- Park Street Lot (C4)
- Lots zoned "OZ" (Overflow Zones) on the main campus
- 4:30PM - 7:30AM
- All lots except Housing.
C6, C7: Park and Ride Permits - $55/year
The Park and Ride Commuter permits (C6 and C7) allow parking in:
- Anytime
- Your designated zone
- C6 = Russellville Road West Lot
- Provides a convenient, low cost park and ride option. Served by the Campus Circulator Route.
- C7 = South Campus Park and Ride lots
- Provides low cost parking on South Campus, located 2 miles south of main campus. Served by the South Campus Route.
- 2:00PM - 7:30AM weekdays
- Parking Structure 2 (C1)
- Park Street Lot (C4)
- Lots zoned "OZ" (Overflow Zones) on the main campus
- 4:30PM - 7:30AM weekdays
- All lots except Housing.
- Your designated zone
PR: Prepay Reservations
- Prepay Reservations provide a pay-as-you-go daily parking alternative to an annual parking permit.
- Go to the WKU prepay reservations website (
- Follow the instructions to:
- Create and log in to your account
- Select a parking facility
- Select the date you would like to park.
- Select your parking option
- Check out your shopping cart
- Once you have completed your parking reservation, you are ready to park on campus.
- Prepay reservations will be limited to specific lots and sold on a first come, first served basis. Parking availability may change from day to day. Daily parking will always be available in the Campbell Lane Park and Ride lot.
- The prepay reservation will only be valid for the date and location purchased.
- Reservations are also honored after 4:30 PM on dates purchased in Mimosa Lot.
- With an active reservation, a motorcycle with a prepay reservation can park in the PR spaces.
- See the Prepay Reservation Fees
- See the Prepay Reservations Map
NOTE: Any active annual WKU permit may be used to make a reservation as well.
D2: Disability Parking - $140/year
A WKU Disability Permit is required to park in disability parking spaces on campus. For more information regarding disability parking requirements, click HERE.
Evening Parking (After 4:30PM)
- Commuter zones do not require a permit after 4:30PM.
- Mimosa Lot becomes "AP" (All Permit) zones in the evening. A current WKU permit is required for Mimosa Lot in the evening.
- Faculty/staff (FS1 - FS5) and Commuter (C1 - C7) lots become open lots, no permit required.
- All Housing zones are enforced in the evening.
- Meters located near residence halls are enforced 7:30AM - 10:30PM daily.
- Regents Pay Lot and Pearce Ford Tower Loop - fees are assessed 7:30AM - 10:30PM daily.
Weekend Parking (4:30PM Fri – 4:30PM Sun):
- Beginning 4:30PM Friday - Housing, Commuter, and Faculty/Staff lots are open. Permits
are not required.
- Meters, disability parking, and safety violations are enforced at all times.
- Enforcement of Housing permits resumes at 4:30PM on Sunday afternoons.