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Housing Student Parking

How Do Parking Permit Sales Work?

Housing permit sales are available to students who live on campus.  A housing assignment is required to purchase a housing permit.  Housing permits are sold on a  first come, first served basis while supplies last. A wait list will be available for each lot after that permit sells out.  Wait lists are released throughout the year as parking becomes available. To be placed on a wait list, use the permit wait list option on your WKU PARKING ACCOUNT.

Please note: Parking lots may be reserved at any time for events or maintenance.  Monitor WKU e-mail or PTS Facebook / Twitter pages for service announcements.



Which Permit is Right For Me?

Your housing assignment will determine which Housing permit is most convenient for you.  Permits recommended for each residence hall are listed below. 

H1, H2, H3, H6, AH

H4, H9, H5, H8, HU
H1, H6, H3, AH


The South Campus Permit is the only permit available to students enrolled in the Gatton Academy of Math and Science.

H4, H8, H9, H5, HU
H1, H6, H3, AH
H1, H2, H3, H6, AH
H4, H8, HU, H9, H5
H2, H1, H4, HU, H8
H2, H1, H4, HU, H8, H9
H3, H4, HU, H2, H8, H7
H4, H8, HU, H9, H5
H3, H4, HU, H2, H8, H7 
H1, H6, H3, AH

H8, HU, H4, H9, H5

Evening Parking (After 4:30PM)

See Evening Parking Map

  • Housing zones are enforced in the evening.  Please park in your zone.
  • Mimosa Lot becomes "AP" (All Permit) zones in the evening.  A current WKU permit is required for these lots. 
  • Faculty/staff (FS1, FS2, FS3, FS4, and FS5) and Commuter (C1 - C7) lots become open lots, no permit required. 
  • Meters located near residence halls are enforced 7:30AM - 10:30PM daily.
  • Regents Pay Lot and Pearce Ford Tower Loop - fees are assessed 7:30AM - 10:30PM daily.

Weekend Housing Parking (4:30PM Fri – 4:30PM Sun): 

  • Beginning 4:30PM Friday - Housing, Commuter, and Faculty / Staff lots are open.  Permits are not required.  
    • Meters, disability parking, and safety violations are enforced at all times.
  • Enforcement of Housing permits resumes at 4:30PM on Sunday afternoons.


Permit Descriptions

AH: Alumni Square Garage Housing Permit - $305/year

The Alumni Square Garage Housing permit (AH) allows parking in:

Note: Primarily recommended for residents of the Kentucky Street Apartments, Greek houses on Center Street, and the "Valley."

H1, H2, H3, H4:  Premium Housing Permits - $270/year

The Premium Housing permits (H1-H4) allow parking in:

  • Anytime
    • Your designated zone 
      • H1 = Level 4-7 of Parking Structure 1
      • H2 = Minton Lot
      • H3 = Normal Hall Lot and Regents Hall Lot
      • H4 = Poland Lot / Ave of Champions
    • Lots zoned "OZ" (Overflow Zones) on the main campus
    • SC South Campus Park and Ride Lots.  Served by the South Campus Route.
  • 4:30PM - 7:30AM weekdays
    • All Commuter, Faculty/Staff and "AP" (All Permit) lots. 

H5, H6, H7; H8, H9, HU:  Premium Housing Permits - $140/year

The Non-Premium Housing permit (H5) allows parking in:

  • Anytime
    • Your designated zone
      • H5 = Parking Structure 3
    • SC South Campus Park and Ride Lots.  Served by the South Campus Route.
  • 4:30PM - 7:30AM weekdays
    • All Commuter, Faculty/Staff, and lots zoned "OZ" (Overflow Zones) on the main campus

The Non-Premium Housing permits (H6-H9, and HU) allow parking in: 

  • Anytime
    • H6 = Adams Street / Kentucky St Apartment Alley Lot
    • H7:  Chestnut Street South Lot
    • H8 = Normal Street South Lot
    • H9 = Creason Lot
    • HU = University Blvd Lot
    • Lots zoned "OZ" (Overflow Zones) on the main campus
    • SC South Campus Park and Ride Lots.  Served by the South Campus Route.
  • 4:30PM - 7:30AM weekdays
    • All Commuter, Faculty/Staff, and "AP" (All Permit) lots.

SC: South Campus Housing Permit Park and Ride Lot - $55/year

The South Campus permit (SC) allows parking in:
  • Anytime
    • South Campus Park and Ride Lot Lot.  South Campus Lot is located 2 miles south of main campus.  
    • This is a low cost storage parking option.
  • 4:30PM - 7:30AM weekdays
    • All zones except Housing. 

Transit service to the main campus:

D2: Disability Parking - $140/year

A WKU Disability Permit is required to park in disability parking spaces on campus.  For more information regarding disability parking requirements, click HERE.




southwest hall



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 Last Modified 3/14/25