Remote Proctoring – Lockdown Browser and Monitor
Before you consider proctoring remotely, please consider three factors that might make this option tough to put into practice.
- First, will all of your students have access to a reliable webcam?
- Second, will all of your students have access to reliable high-speed internet?
- Third, do your students have access to appropriate technology to run these programs? For example, the Lockdown Browser only works with MAC or Windows Operating Systems. This means that if your students are using a Chromebook or other device, they may not be able to use this tool.
If all of your students cannot meet one or more of these requirements, we recommend that you not require Respondus Lockdown Browser and Monitor.
Unless absolutely necessary, CITL recommends that you promote academic integrity rather than trying to stop cheating. Under the present pressures students face, it might be best to present students with a strong argument for the benefits of maintaining their integrity, while developing minimally cheat-proof assignments.
Research and experience suggest that developing elaborate plans to stop cheating--especially to stop cheating in digital environments--is a losing game, for at least two reasons. By focusing narrowly on the chance that a few students will cheat, we message to our students that we don’t trust them. They are likely to respond to those low expectations in kind. They see that we expect that at least some of them will cheat, and they do not wish to be disadvantaged by those who do. Furthermore, by transparently messaging the strategies we have developed to stop cheating, we, in essence, give students and other bad actors a road map to circumvent our cheating-abatement plans.
Source: Inside Higher Ed.
Respondus Lockdown Browser and Monitor are different tools. The Lockdown Browser may be used without the Monitor (web cam recording) tool, but Monitor cannot be used without the Lockdown Browser.
Respondus Lockdown Browser is a tool that you can enable on your tests, quizzes, and exams in Blackboard. It requires that students download the Respondus Lockdown Browser (found in the Software tab in Blackboard) and use it to access the exam. This browser prohibits students from browsing the internet, opening other applications, copying and pasting, or even printing their screen while within the exam environment.
Please note that the Lockdown Browser does require a computer with MAC or Windows Operating Systems. Students using Chromebooks or other devices will not be able to use this tool. If all of your students cannot meet these requirements, we recommend you not require Respondus Lockdown Browser.
Before using this tool, ensure that your students have the tools and resources necessary to take exams in this manner. Also, given the technology necessary to pursue this option, we recommend doing a low stakes quiz using this product as practice to make sure that students have the ability to use the Lockdown Browser. Please view the Testing on Blackboard section of the Teaching Remotely: Best Practices webpage for other ideas as to protect academic integrity.
Respondus Monitor is a tool that works in concert with the Respondus Lockdown Browser to provide an alternative to a “proctored” environment for students to take quizzes and exams without an actual proctor. When used, Respondus Monitor requires students to set up their webcam for the duration of the quiz or exam while Lockdown Browser keeps the students “locked” into the exam until complete (they cannot browse the internet, copy, paste, etc.). With the webcam, irregularities, such as looking away from the screen, leaving their seat, etc., may be flagged by Respondus Monitor for instructor review. After the quiz or exam is completed, faculty can review the webcam recording only (student screens are not recorded because Monitor is used with the Lockdown Browser). Due to how Respondus Monitor functions, it is not recommended to use this tool with open note, open book exams as the students will likely be looking away a lot from their screen which can increase the likelihood of a false positive.
Before using this tool, ensure that your students have the tools and resources necessary to take exams in this manner. Also, given the technology necessary to pursue this option, we recommend doing a low stakes quiz using this product as practice to make sure that students have the ability to use the Lockdown Browser and Monitor. Please view the Testing on Blackboard section of the Teaching Remotely: Best Practices webpage for other ideas as to protect academic integrity.
Respondus Monitor Resource Page
Preparing an Exam for Use with Respondus Monitor and LockDown Browser (video tutorial)
Student Technical Requirements
- Windows: 10, 8, 7
- Mac: OS X 10.10 or higher
- iOS: 10.0+ (iPad only). Must have a compatible LMS integration.
- Web camera (internal or external) & microphone
- A broadband internet connection
Introduction to Respondus LockDown Browser for Students (video tutorial)
System Requirements
- Windows: 10, 8, 7
- Mac: OS X 10.10 or higher
- iOS: 10.0+ (iPad only). Must have a compatible LMS integration.
- Web camera (internal or external) & microphone
- A broadband internet connection