Online Quality Assurance Program
In an effort to ensure the highest of quality online course design, teaching, and student engagement in WKU’s hybrid and online courses, the Center for Innovative Teaching and Learning has created a Quality Assurance Program based on the nationally recognized Anthology Exemplary Course program and WKU Online Quality Teaching Standards. Through various types of support and resources, QAP is available to meet the different needs faculty may have. Whether you are new to teaching online or an experienced faculty looking for a few curriculum design improvements, you will benefit from participating in the program.
Here are some of the ways CITL staff can support you with your teaching and learning needs.

Support you with implementing Universal Design for Learning principles and creating accessible content.

Assist you with the design and development of authentic and innovative activities and assessments that promote successful achievement of the learning objectives.

Support you in identifying, adapting, and adopting tools to support their instructional goals and learning objectives.

Assist you in the development of measurable student outcomes and learning objectives and support them in design and course structure that is user friendly and consistent.

Advise you on applying the Anthology Exemplary Course program standards.

Assist you with the implementation of activities and tools that increase student engagement and help create and build a sense of community.
Interested in requesting one of these services?