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 Calendar of Events

APR Site Visit initial debriefing
  • Location: CH 228
  • Time: 11:30am
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Bottoms Screening
  • Location: JRH Auditorium
  • Time: 6:00pm
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The Barbara Ann Williford Memorial High School Writing Contest Awards Ceremony 
  • Location: TBD
  • Time: 11:00am
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English Department News and Events



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The English Depatment's Faculty photo, Fall 2019.

From Left to Right, Top to Bottom: Dr. Elizabeth Winkler, Professor Rick Thompson, Kimberly Nessler, Mary Johnson, Dr. Alex Poole, Professor Jessica Folk, Dr. Dawn Winters, Dr. Trini Stickle, Professor Megan Miller, Dr. Merrall Price, Dr. Sandra Hughes, Dr. Kelly Reames, Dr. Wes Berry, Dr. Niko Endres, Dr. David Bell, Dr. Alison Langdon, Professor Tim Brotherton, Dr. Angela Jones, Dr. Tom Hunley, Dr. Gillian Knoll, Dr. Cheryl Hopson, Dr. Marla Zubel, Dr. Alison Youngblood, Dr. David LeNoir, Professor Terry Elliott, Dr. Deborah Logan, Dr. John Conley, Dr. Ted Hovet, Professor Marya Turley, Dr. Daniel Liddle, Professor Debra Hays, Professor Felicia Stinson, Dr. Rob Hale, Professor Trish Jaggers, Dr. Jane Fife, Dr. Dawn Hall, Dr. Judith Szerdahelyi, Professor Fabian Alvarez, Dr. Jane Olmsted, Dr. Dale Rigby. 





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 Last Modified 2/7/24