The Ashen Egg
The Ashen Egg is an annual journal publishing analytical essays on literature, rhetoric, linguistics, film, and popular culture. Any current WKU undergraduate student may submit scholarly work to The Ashen Egg. Submissions must be endorsed by a WKU English faculty member confirming that the submission is a piece produced for one of the faculty member's courses and that it is worthy for publication.
Manuscripts may range from 750 to 3000 words, though exceptions may be made for submissions of stellar quality. Essays must follow the Modern Language Association style guidelines as defined in the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers (latest edition). All submissions must be in Times New Roman 12-point font, double-spaced, with one-inch margins on all sides, and be free of typographical and grammatical errors.
Submissions open near the end of each fall semester. Submissions must be emailed to Dr. Gillian Knoll at and must be accompanied by the submission cover sheet to be considered.
Available Editions:
2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021,2022, 2023,2024

Frequently Asked Questions Regarding The Ashen Egg
Does the submission need to have been written this academic year?
- No. Students may submit anything written for one of their English classes at any point in their career at WKU.
Does the submission need to be research-based?
- No. We accept any analytical/thesis-driven papers.
May a student submit more than one paper?
- Yes, though we will not select more than one by the same student for publication in a given volume.
May a student submit who has previously been published in The Ashen Egg?
- Yes.
May a student submit who is graduating this year?
- Yes.
Will you accept papers that exceed 3000 words?
- Yes. Most published essays range between 750-3000 words, but we will consider longer submissions.
If a student has presented or plans to present a paper at a conference, is that paper still eligible to submit to The Ashen Egg?
- Yes. As long as the paper hasn't been published elsewhere, the student may submit it.