M.A. in English Scholarships
Kentucky P-12 Educator Tuition Discount
Graduate Assistantships
Fund your M.A. degree and get valuable experience tutoring and teaching by working for the English Department as a graduate instructor. These competitive positions pay $17,500 per academic year ($12,000 living stipend and $5,500 tuition scholarship). Graduate assistants tutor students in the Writing Center in year one of the program and teach Introduction to College Writing in year two.
Applications for graduate assistantships are submitted to Dr. Alison Youngblood. Here's the link to the application
WKU English Department Full-time Graduate Student Scholarship
When the Department Head and Director of Graduate Studies in English determine that monies are available in the English Department Foundation Account, the English Department awards annual scholarships to full-time graduate students enrolled in the M.A. Program.
To be eligible, a student must:
. Be enrolled as a full-time graduate student in English
. Have earned a cumulative GPA of at least 3.5 as a graduate students
. Have the support of the Director of Graduate Studies
To Apply:
- Students should register for TopDollar to be eligible for all WKU scholarships. The link for Top Dollar is https://www.wku.edu/topdollar/
- Send completed application letter to the Director of Graduate Studies in English after taking one semester of courses.
Monies are awarded annually after the student enrolls in the second course.
WKU English Department Part-time Graduate Student Scholarship
When the Department Head and Director of Graduate Studies in English determine that monies are available in the English Department Foundation Account, the English Department awards annual scholarships to part-time graduate students enrolled in the M.A. Program.
To be eligible, a student must:
. Have earned a GPA of at least 3.0 in English courses as an undergraduate to be eligible
for the first award
. Enroll in at least two classes across spring and fall semesters
. Have earned a cumulative GPA of at least 3.5 to receive support after the first year
To Apply:
- Students should register for TopDollar to be eligible for all WKU scholarships. The link for Top Dollar is https://www.wku.edu/topdollar/
- Send completed application letter to the Director of Graduate Studies in English after taking one semester of courses.
Monies are awarded annually after the student enrolls in the second course.