ENG 299: Introduction to English Studies
English 299 introduces students to opportunities and activities within the WKU English and English For Secondary Teaching majors. The course features a wide variety of reading and writing assignments geared to hone skills, interests, and strategies that will lead to success in other English classes and in extra-curricular experiences. This course also provides students information about career/professional opportunities and strategies that will prepare them for life after graduation.
ENG 299 is offered every semester, and the WKU English department encourages English and EST majors to take the course as early as possible. For more information or to help you schedule the course, please meet with an English advisor or contact any ENG 299 instructor.
The following testimonies from recent ENG 299 students provide insight into the course and how to benefit the most from it.
Carder Venable (EST Major)
“English 299 gave me a wonderful and extensive introduction to critical literary theory, and this knowledge helped tremendously when reading literature in other, more advanced classes. The course also sharpened my skills as both a reader and writer, giving me a prime example of the expectations that a college English course demands.”
Sarah Olive (Creative Writing Concentration, Literature Minor)
“English 299 encouraged me to diversify my skills as an English major. My focus tends to be creative writing and literature, but I have since taken professional writing classes to gain important skills that will prepare me for the post-graduate world. I probably would not have taken professional writing classes if English 299 did not introduce me to professional writing first."
Cameron Fontes (Creative Writing Concentration, Film Studies Minor)
"One of my favorite aspects of ENG 299 was the opportunity to hear from WKU English alumni from various concentrations and learn about their post-graduate lives. It was very encouraging to know not only that an English degree can open up a plethora of career options in numerous fields, but also that your career path can be extremely rewarding even if it deviates from what you plan for your future." Madeline Kinser (Literature Concentration)
"English 299 was the perfect introduction to the study of English. Not only did the class provide a great foundation for moving forward in the major, but it also emphasized the value of English majors and the opportunities that are available to us in college and beyond. This class challenged me to think of studying English as more than just reading and writing. Studying English gives you skills that will benefit you in everything you do."
Dillon Miller (Professional Writing Concentration)
"ENG 299 is the answer to the age-old question of what an English major is good for. The class helps you explore the surprisingly numerous and flexible applications of English in both the professional world and in interpersonal interactions. The frequency of guest speakers who are English majors doing real things with their degrees is nothing short of reassuring and reaffirming of the applicability of an English degree. Without a doubt, this class helped solidify confidence in my major."
Hayley Watson (English for Secondary Teachers)
"ENG 299 has helped me as an English major by providing an excellent background for my future English classes, as it showed me how to read literature through a critical lens, effectively discuss literature with other students, conduct research, and among other things. Through this class, I wrote my first in-depth college research paper about a topic I loved, fairy tales and their adaptations, which later became the research topic I presented at the WKU Student Research Conference in March. This class provided a firm foundation for my future and opportunities to explore my interest in my major."