WKU English Club
The WKU English Club is a student-run organization that's focused on the culture and community of what it means to be a part of the English Department at WKU. As a member of the club you'll get a chance to form personal and professional connections to make your experience more fun and connected. You don't even have to be an English major to join, only share our passion for literature, writing, and the humanities.
WHEN DOES ENGLISH CLUB MEET? (updated summer 2021)
During the 2020-2021 year English Club met virtually for all events. There are no set dates for meetings for the fall term, but officers will decide on and publicize the meeting times/schedule once we have a clearer understanding of the situation for the fall. Historically, the first meeting of the semester will be in mid-September.
Off campus readings to be announced.
Meetings to discuss activities, share ideas, and socialize
Used Book Sales
"Open-Mic" Readings
Workshops and discussions of student writing
- Writer's Block Parties: Near the end of each semester, we convene to brainstorm, workshop, and commiserate in order to help each other succeed on essays, creative portfolios, final projects, and final exams.
Goldenrod is the English Club's annual poetry festival in which students submit up to five poems for consideration. After submissions are turned in, the English Club will narrow the poems down to ten finalists. The poems will then be submitted to a guest poet for final judging. The guest poet provides all ten finalists with a workshop and focuses specifically on their submitted works.
Mackenzie Berry was the 2021 guest poet, who was present via Zoom.
The 2021 Goldenrod Winners were:
- 1st place:Kayla Spears
- 2nd place:Noah Powers
- 3rd place:Adam Woodard
Erin Slaughter was the 2020 guest poet, who was present via Zoom.
The 2020 Goldenrod Winners were:
- 1st place:Noah Powers
- 2nd place:Ella Corder
- 3rd place:Sarah Olive
Savannah Stipple was the 2019 guest poet.
The 2019 Goldenrod Winners were:
- 1st place:Samantha Williams
- 2nd place:Natalie Turner
- 3rd place:Amy Edens
Nathan Spoon was the 2018 guest poet.
The 2018 Goldenrod Winners were:
- 1st place: Adrian Sanders
- 2nd place: Iman Zaghariet
- 3rd place: Cassidy Townsend
Maggie Woodward was the 2017 guest poet.
The 2017 Goldenrod Winners were:
- 1st place: Natalie Rickman
- 2nd place: Emily Houston
- 3rd place: Heather Borders
Gary McDowell was the 2016 guest poet.
The 2016 Goldenrod Winners were:
- 1st place: Josh Arend
- 2nd place: Taylor Reyes
- 3rd place: Bridget Yates
Saeed Jones was the 2015 guest poet, who was present via Skype.
The 2015 Goldenrod Winners were:
- 1st place: Derek Ellis
- 2nd place: Jared Johnson
- 3rd place: Isiah Fish
Matt Hart was the 2014 guest poet for the tenth anniversary of Goldenrod.
The 2014 Goldenrod winners were:
- 1st place: Ashley Coulter
- 2nd place: Kate Warren-Westbrook
- 3rd place: Richard Heyne
Nickole Brown was the 2013 guest poet.
The 2013 Goldenrod winners were:
- 1st place: Tracy Jo Ingram
- 2nd place: Maggie Woodward
- 3rd place: Elizabeth Gatten
For more information about English Club, contact:
English Club sponsors:
Or e-mail us directly at: english.club@wku.edu