Undergraduate Conference on Literature, Language, and Culture
2022 Undergraduate Conference Program
Honoring Ted Hovet's Legacy: New Research in Film & Media Studies
Moderated by Birhanu Gessese and Max Zambrano
Tuesday Grenead, “Demetrius and Lysander: Hatred as Intimacy in Taymor’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream (2014)”
Daniel Ungs, “Daisies’ Castration of the Spectator"
Christian Butterfield, “The Ontology Of The Confessional Booth: The Parallels Between Literary Nonfiction And Reality Television”
Modern Takes on Classic Texts
Moderated by Sama Huseynova and Jarek Jarvis
Sarah Stevens, “Manifestations of Feminine Strength in Ovid’s Metamorphoses”
Miriam Story, “A Queer Reading of The Epic of Gilgamesh”
Jolie Finley, “Toxic Masculinity and Opportunities for Change in Galatea”
Joseph Shoulders, “Even Harder Times: When Dickensian Satire Becomes Mainstream Conservatism”
Meaning, Medium, & Message
Moderated by Ericka Russell and Kristen Tinch
Marybeth Hunt, “Analysis of a Political Cartoon on Gun Violence”
Autumn Jones, “When you need a word, or a sentence"
Emily Gawarecki, “Variation in Translations of Bei Dao"
Lili Keith, “‘All You Had To Do Was Switch It Off’: Adaptation as Existential Terror”
Best in Conference 2022 Winners
Film & Media Studies: Daniel Ungs, “Daisies’ Castration of the Spectator"
Modern Takes on Classic Texts: Joseph Shoulders, “Even Harder Times: When Dickensian Satire Becomes Mainstream Conservatism”
Meaning, Medium, & Message: Lili Keith, “‘All You Had To Do Was Switch It Off’: Adaptation as Existential Terror”