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English for Secondary Teachers

ESTThe English for Secondary Teachers major prepares students for certification to teach grades 8-12. The major is well rounded, featuring work in literature, writing, language study, and allied language arts.  It is structured to meet specific accreditation and certification requirements while still offering students choice in course selection.

Instead of a minor or second major requirement, this major includes a component of Professional Education courses, culminating in a semester of student teaching. In addition to the usual study-abroad opportunities available to students, a portion of the student teaching semester may be completed abroad.

Although the major is specifically aimed at preparing future secondary teachers, graduates are free to pursue other career paths appropriate for English majors, and they have the flexibility to go on to graduate study either in English or in education.

To become an EST major, click here.

EST Major Flyer

EST Major Advising Worksheet

EST 4-Year Plan 2023

The major in English (reference # 561) for secondary teachers is intended for those seeking certification to teach in secondary schools in Kentucky. It requires a minimum of 55 semester hours of content courses and leads to a Bachelor of Arts degree. No minor or second major is required; however, the EST major requires an additional 34 hours of education courses specified by the College of Education and Behavioral Sciences, and certification is contingent upon additional state requirements.



In cooperation with the Dixie and Pete Mahurin Honors College, the Department of English offers a number of courses designed to challenge and reward honors-eligible students studying English. Fostering a sense of community among outstanding students, the English honors courses also facilitate graduate school admission and job placement. Participants enjoy opportunities for discussion and instruction in small classes, as well as for independent research and membership in Sigma Tau Delta--the International English Honor Society. Additionally, English majors who choose to write a six-credit-hour Honors Thesis may apply three of those credit hours toward their upper-division English electives. For information, please contact  Dr. Jeffrey Rice English Honors Advisor (jeffrey.rice@wku.edu).



Advisor: Dr. Leigh Johnson

EST Faculty:

English Major Learning Outcomes

Become an English Major


 Joseph Shoulders

Advisor for students under 55 credit hours:

Joseph Shoulders

Academic & Career Development Center

Hours of Operation

Monday-Friday: 8am-4:30pm








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 Last Modified 1/14/25