Health Education and Promotion
The Health Education & Promotion (HEP) Center strives to promote wellness and student success by providing engaged, dynamic, and educational programming and services for the WKU student body.
We utilize data from credible sources and evidence-based research to inform the campus community and thus empower students to create their own positive lifestyle, make constructive behavioral choices, and incorporate risk reduction practices.
The following products and services are offered for FREE to students:
- Sexual health supplies:
- Male condoms
- Female condoms (FC2s)
- Lubricant
- Dental dams
- Pregnancy tests
- Menstrual hygiene products:
- Tampons
- Pads
- Menstrual discs
- "What the Health" peer-health advising sessions
- Interactive presentations and workshops
(Stop by our office to pick up the supplies or meet with one of our peer health educators!)
Email: healthed@wku.edu
Phone: (270) 745-4491
Our office is located in the Health Services Building, Suite 1064. Please enter the "Student Wellness" Suite using the door facing Pearce Ford Tower and First Year Village.
For questions related to WKU's COVID-19 response, please visit Healthy on the Hill or email covid19@wku.edu

Do you have a passion for wellness-related activities? Visit Handshake and search "health education and promotion" for internship/job opportunities! (More details posted under job description.)

HEP offers many fun, informative programs for students to benefit from including Grocery Bingo, our most popular event!

HEP offers presentations to students on any health-related topic. Go to Presentation FAQs and learn more about how our health educators will present for your event or class.