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Teaching Effectiveness - Additional Resources

In addition to the resources and references provided for each standard, the following resources are intended to help provide additional support to you as you think individually or as a department about how to document and frame your teaching for evaluation.

Teaching Effectiveness Framework - Colorado State University Institute for Learning and Teaching 

This resource provides a list of pedagogical competencies similar to those outlined on this website. For each competency they provide insight on how to achieve the competency, a rubric for evaluation and references. The competencies include curriculum/curricular alignment, pedagogical content knowledge, student motivation, inclusive pedagogy, classroom climate, instructional strategies and feedback and assessment. 

Simonson, S. R., Earl, B, & Frary, M. (2022). Establishing a framework for assessing teaching effectiveness. College Teaching, 70(2), 164-180. doi: 10.1080/87567555.2021.1909528  

This article served as the foundation for the standards and rubrics on this website. In addition to a rubric for evaluating evidence of teaching effectiveness, the authors provide rich explanations and support for the determination of these criteria.  

Teaching Excellence Framework – The University of Utah Martha Bradley Evans Center for Teaching Excellence 

This website provides excellent definitions and explanations of teaching excellence, additional forms to consider for reflection and peer review opportunities, and a robust list of models and references on this topic. 

As you are engaging in conversations related to teaching effectiveness, please remember that the CITL staff is here to support you in this work. If you have questions about artifacts to include, how to frame your reflections or narrative statements, or concerns about how to develop areas that may not be as strong, please reach out. We are happy to provide you with confidential support and feedback to help you find success in your teaching. 


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 Last Modified 5/16/24