Professional Employment
Professional Employment
WKU Housing & Residence Life is committed to recruiting and selecting full-time staff members of quality who are passionate about making a difference in the lives of residents and are keenly interested in creating environments conducive to student learning, growth, and development.

WKU is located in south-central Kentucky. Bowling Green is 110 miles south of Louisville, Kentucky and 60 miles north of Nashville, Tennessee. A residential and industrial community of over 60,000, it offers the advantages of a moderate size “college town." The area is bordered by the Kentucky Lake system which provides a scenic opportunity for recreation and relaxation.
The residence hall system has a capacity of almost 5,300 students and is comprised of two apartment buildings and 15 halls, offering a variety of living options, including community-style, suite-style, hotel-style, pod-style, living learning communities, and extended living halls.
Western Kentucky University recognizes the fact that its residence hall programs system is an integral part of the total educational process. A major objective of this program is the creation of an environment in the residential setting that is compatible with and supportive of the student’s personal, social, and academic development. The University seeks to achieve these objectives through its residence hall program by the employment of qualified professional staff members, the encouragement of residence hall self-governance, community development, respect and appreciation for all persons, and through conscientious efforts to keep students cost to a minimum.
WKU offers a variety of excellent Master’s Degree programs including Student Affairs, Communications, and Mental Health Counseling. WKU staff members receive a six hour tuition waiver per semester. The pursuit of a Master’s Degree is highly encouraged and supported.
The WKU Housing and Residence Life staff includes Area Coordinators, Residence Hall Directors, and over 200 paraprofessional staff members. Premium is placed on initiative, independence, communication, and teamwork. Professional development is encouraged through conference and workshop attendance, as well as other avenues. Working on the Housing and Residence Life staff at WKU can offer a positive experience to any Student Affairs Professional!
Drive Time to Nashville
1 Hour 10 Minutes
Drive Time to Louisville
1 Hour 50 Minutes
Bowling Green Named Top 100 Places to Live
In addition to diversity and walkability, Bowling Green has much to offer its residents. Livability recognized those assets including: a great school system, a cost of living that is well below the national average at only 87.8%, reasonable housing costs with a median home price at just $180,900, and a strong arts and entertainment industry. With international festivals, art galleries, theatre troupes, and an orchestra, Bowling Green offers cultural activities for all ages.
Professional, Full Time Positions
Medical Insurance
Dental & Vision Insurance
Life Insurance
Retirement Plan
Partial Tuition Waiver
Designated Parking Space
(ACs and RHDs)
12-Month Apartment with Internet & Utilities
(ACs and RHDs)
Pets Permitted
One dog or cat under 40 lbs.; Fish permittedUniversity Bookstore Discount
Reduced Membership Fee to WKU's Health & Fitness Facility
Great Networking Opportunities
Serve on Division-Wide Committees
Professional Development Opportunities
Active Role in Admission Recruitment
Flexibility With Time Off to Attend Conferences
Can delay beginning coursework for the first semester to allow for transition needs
Great Contact, Support, and Interaction with the Leadership Team
Collateral Assignments in Student Conduct, Retention, M.A.S.T.E.R. Plan, etc.