Facebook Pixel Front Desk Phone Numbers | Western Kentucky University

Front Desk Phone Numbers

Bates Runner Hall

(270) 936-2255


Douglas Keen Hall

(270) 936-0246


Gilbert Hall

(270) 936-2595


Hilltopper Hall

(270) 936-0015


Hugh Poland Hall

(270) 936-2191


McCormack Hall

(270) 936-3191


 McLean Hall

(270) 936-3991


Meredith Hall

(270) 936-0196


Minton Hall

(270) 936-4756


Munday Hall

(270) 936-3494


Normal Hall

(270) 936-0499


Pearce Ford Tower

(270) 936-2442


Regents Hall

(270) 936-0494


Rodes Harlin Hall

(270) 936-4691


Southwest Hall

(270) 936-3092


Zacharias Hall

(270) 936-0219






WKU Police Department

(270) 745-2548

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Evening Escort Service

(270) 745-3333

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After Hours Emergency Maintenance

(270) 745-2548


Facilities Management

(270) 745-3253

Housing & Residence Life Office

(270) 745-4359

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 Last Modified 10/11/23