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Residence Hall Visitation

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Welcome to Western Kentucky University!


Visitors of campus residents who are 18 years of age or older are welcome in all WKU residence halls. All residence halls have 24-hour visitation.

In rare circumstances, and always in advance, visits by underage guests may be authorized by members of the Central Office staff.


View All Residence Hall Policies


18 Years of Age or Older

In rare circumstances, and always in advance, visits by underage guests may be authorized by members of the Central Office staff

Checked In at the Front Desk

All visitors must be checked in at the front desk of the campus resident's residence hall with a WKU ID or a valid state or government issued photo ID (ex. identification card, driver's license).

 Other university IDs and photocopies of IDs will not be accepted.

Escorted at All Times

All visitors must be escorted by their campus resident at all times when in the residence hall and use the designated restrooms.

Visitors should not be left in the building when the campus resident is not there.

Checked Out at the End of the Visit

Visitors must be checked out at the residence hall front desk at the end of their visit. 


Bring Your Valid State or Government Issued Photo ID with You

You will need a valid photo ID (ex. WKU ID, identification card, driver’s license) to be checked in to the residence hall.

IDs from other universities and photocopies of IDs are not acceptable forms of identification.

Guests without proper identification will not be permitted to enter the residence halls.

The Desk Assistant will log your information into the visitor system and hold your photo ID at the front desk for the duration of your visit. You and your campus resident are expected to wait at the front desk until the check-in process is complete. Once completed, the Desk Assistant will allow you access to the residence hall.

Call or Text Your Campus Resident When You Arrive to Campus

Ask them to meet you at their residence hall. WKU has a strict “no entry” policy for non-residents* of campus residence halls.

You will not be permitted entry to the residence hall without your campus resident. Guests are not permitted to wait in residence hall lobbies for their campus residents. 

*Only approved university officials (i.e. HRL professional staff, housekeeping and maintenance staff, university police officers, etc.) and vendors that conduct business with the front desk are allowed entry to the residence hall without a campus resident. 

Plan to Go Everywhere with Your Campus Resident
 Visitors are required to be escorted by their campus residents at all times—in lounges and kitchens, elevators and stairwells, hallways, and resident rooms.

Guests are not permitted in the residence hall when their campus residents are not there—in class, at work, or attending club or organization meetings or campus events, for example.

Use the Designated Restrooms
In some cases, designated guest restrooms may be located on other residence hall floors or in the lobby. Designated restrooms may or may not include shower stalls or bathtubs.
Collect Your ID from the Front Desk Assistant and Properly Check Out of the Building
You must be escorted and checked out of the residence hall by your campus resident at the conclusion of your visit.


Note: failure to adhere the visitation procedures detailed above may result in loss of visitation privileges for both you and your campus resident.

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 Last Modified 5/2/21