Residence Halls
Hugh Poland Hall
Hugh Poland Hall is located on the south end of campus right next to the Preston Health and Activities Center, Health Services, a dining location, and a convenience store. Hugh Poland Hall Houses 400 students and has been renovated.

Each floor shares a bathroom with private, locking stalls.

This hall closes for Thanksgiving, Winter, and Spring breaks.
Moveable Furniture
Adjustable XL Twin Bed
Desk Chair
2-Shelf Bookcase
Trash Bin
Recycling Bin
Window Blinds
Ethernet Access
Air Conditioning
Vending Machines
Ice Machine
Community Bathrooms
Laundry Room
Free Laundry
Community Areas
Study Room
Community / TV Lounge
Kitchen on Every Floor
24-Hour Security & Information Desk
Dimensions are approximate; rooms may vary slightly.
Room Size
136"W x 204"L
Bed Ends: 85"W x 39"H; Can raise up to 36"
Mattress: 36"W x 84"L x 8"H
*Beds cannot be bunked.
29.5"W x 30"H x 23"D
29.5"W x 30"H x 13"D
24"W x 48"L x 30.5"T
Chair Opening: 31.5"W
Top Drawers (2): 12"W x 4.5"D
Bottom Drawer: 12"W x 6"D
Air Unit
40.5"W x 32"L x 9"D
*Items cannot be placed directly in front of the air unit.
32"W x 56"H
Overall: 41"W x 93"L x 24.5"D
Shelf 1: 41"W x 12"L x 14"D
Shelf 2: 41W' x 9"L x 14"D
Shelf 3: 41"W x 7.5"L x 14"D
1756 Avenue of Champions, Room ###
Bowling Green, KY 42101-6440

(270) 936-2191
Fire Evacuation Plans
Safe Areas
Shower and restrooms
East side near the X07 rooms on lower floors
Avoid stairwells with windows and lobby area