Kentucky College Personnel Association (CPAK) Awards Given to WKU Housing & Residence Life Staff
- Monday, April 17th, 2023

Western Kentucky University Housing & Residence Life staff members received two of the four awards presented at the Kentucky College Personnel Association (CPAK) conference on April 16, 2023, hosted at the University of Kentucky in Lexington, Kentucky.
Munday Hall Residence Hall Director, Shauna Jones, was awarded the Dr. Michael Cuyjet Outstanding Graduate Student Award. The award is given to a graduate student who has demonstrated dedication, service and commitment to their college personnel field while achieving their academic goals.
“Shauna Jones is an exceptionally talented graduate student and young professional,” shared Dr. Aaron Hughey, Interim Director Educational Leadership Doctoral Program and Student Affairs Program Coordinator. “The quality of her work is consistently excellent; she always goes above and beyond what is asked or expected.Moreover, in a relatively short time, she has emerged as one of the leaders and role models within the program. She knows how to translate theory-to-practice in an efficient and relevant manner and is conscientious to a fault. She is student-centered, empathetic, and always looking for opportunities to serve and contribute. I have no doubt Shauna will become a leader in the profession.”
Rodes-Harlin Hall Residence Hall Director,Mitchell Bumpus, was awarded the Outstanding New Professional Award. The award is given to a professional who demonstrates professional ethics, dedication, and commitment to the principles of the college personnel profession.
“As a hall director I would say Mitch is one of the best I have been able to work with so far,” shared Lucas Hadden, Rodes-Harlin Resident Assistant. “He does his job properly, but at the same time finds a way to make it enjoyable and fun, making the work less stressful.”
Formed in 1976, the College Personnel Association of Kentucky (CPAK) is a state division of the American College Personnel Association (ACPA). CPAK concerns itself with the professionals in the varied areas of student affairs, student services, campus life, academic support, and higher education administration throughout the state of Kentucky.