WKU Housing & Residence Life Assistant Director Wins StarRez PortalX Competition
- Monday, July 17th, 2023

Doug Tate, WKU Housing & Residence Life Assistant Director of Housing Administration, won the StarRez PortalX Competition at the StarRez Global Connect Conference in Baltimore, Maryland, held July 8-11, 2023. The conference hosted nearly 950 participants.
Tate competed against three other individuals with his presentation showcasing the Student Staff Resource page he built from scratch within the WKU Housing Portal using the StarRez software. The resource page provides tools that streamline the work of WKU students and staff.
StarRez is a student housing software platform designed to create thriving residential communities. The program is a cloud-based community management software platform built for students and staff.
"I continue to draw a great deal of passion from helping my colleagues do their work in a more efficient way that allows them to do more of the work that matters, and am excited that the StarRez community at large sees the value in that work and voted our Resource Page & Time Clock setup as the winner of the showcase,” Doug Tate stated.
Lana Kunkel, Director for Housing and Residence Life Operations shared, “Doug’s role is to use technology to help our department be more efficient and effective and he does that with excellence daily. I’m proud to see others in our field recognize him for the awesome ways in which he makes our department and staff better.”
The 2023 StarRez Global Connect event provided the latest company updates, solution highlights and tech news. Participants learned from other community members and directly from StarRez experts.