WKU Housing & Residence Life Wins Five Awards at KAHO Conference
- Thursday, October 19th, 2023

WKU Housing & Residence Life brought home five awards and was the recipient of one scholarship at the Kentucky Association of Housing Officers (KAHO) Conference hosted at Bellarmine University on October 17th, 2023. A team of 12 travelled to Louisville, KY for the annual conference.
Awards include:
- Ruth Ann Howard Service Award, Lana Kunkel, Director for Housing Operations
- KAHO Unbridled Spirit Award – Ginny Hensley, Parent & Family Engagement Coordinator
- Graduate Student - Journey Adams, Residence Hall Director for Pearce Ford Tower
- KAHO Service Award - Blair Jensen, Interim Director for Residence Life
- Outstanding Resident Assistant – Dayvon Woodard, Resident Assistant for Hugh Poland Hall
- SEAHO Corporate Scholarship – Kirsten Hooks, Marketing Coordinator
The Ruth Ann Howard Service Award was presented to Lana Kunkel, Director for WKU Housing Operations. The award is given to an individual who proves outstanding service to their institution.Lana has served at WKU for over 20 years in a multitude of positions, andbecame the Director of Housing Operations in April 2022. Dr. Ethan Logan, Vice President of Enrollment and Student Experience, noted, “her professionalism and expertise are a solid foundation upon which we rely in our administration of our program.”
Ginny Hensley, WKU Parent & Family Engagement Coordinator, received the KAHO Unbridled Spirit Award, which is awarded to an individual for significant and lasting contribution and service to their institution while embodying an unbridled spirit in service for the betterment of their institution, state, region, or the profession in general. Recipients demonstratea record of service as a positive change‐agent in service to their students, colleagues, and peers.Ginny has been within the department of Housing & Residence Life since October 2021, but has been an important part of the WKU family, as a 1997 graduate, and as an employee of WKU since 1998. Dr. Charley Pride, Director for Student Activities, Organizations & Leadership shared, “Ginny is a go to person who provide knowledge, cooperation and collaboration with customer service. Her presence is felt by her ability to connect with a wide range of audiences and problem solver. Plainly, she is doer, gets the job done and makes everyone around her a better individual.”
The KAHO Graduate Student Award was presented to Journey Adams, Residence Hall Director for Pearce Ford Tower. The award is given to one graduate student for outstanding contributions and service to their institution. Journey is currently pursuing her graduate degree in Public Health and Epidemiology at WKU, and has maintained a 3.81 GPA. She is expected to graduate in May 2024. Dr. Kristen Brewer, Assistant Professor in the Department of Public Health, shared, “As a graduate student, Journey does not just submit assignments and turn in the coursework, she thoughtfully applies content and absorbs feedback. Her work shows a level of critical thinking and dedication that is above most other students. She contributes thoughtfully to class discussions and her passion for her work and chosen field is evident."
Blair Jensen, Interim Director for Residence Life, received the KAHO Service Award. The award is selected by the Senior Housing Officer. Dr. Catherine LaRoche, Assistant Vice President for Student Engagement and Executive Director for Housing & Residence Lifeshared,“in sharing a few highlights from the last year, Blair continued to oversee and facilitate the award-winning Living Learning Communities program, which saw an increase of 27% participants from 2021-2022 academic year to 2022-2023 academic year; Blair has developed strong partnerships with several staff, faculty and academic Deans across the university through the LLC program. In her interim role, Blair led the department through a reorganization to reclassify live-in positions, administer pay increases, and propose and implement a new compensation package for Resident Assistants and Community Advisors. Blair’s strengths and passion for the work she does in our field shows through her advocacy efforts, her ability to identify barriers, research and come up with solutions for overcoming such barriers, and her leadership. Blair is one of the most hard-working, driven and selfless individuals that I’ve had the pleasure to work with. Her leadership and ability to influence and empower others is truly inspiring, and WKU is truly a better place because of her.”
Davyon Woodard, a Resident Assistant for Hugh Poland Hall, received the Outstanding Resident Assistant Award, given to one resident assistant each year who provides outstanding contributions and service to their institution. Dayvon is a Geological Sciences major at WKU.
Kirsten Hooks, HRL Marketing Coordinator, was awarded the SEAHO Corporate Scholarship which is given to two individuals through an application process. The scholarshipprovides recipients the opportunity to attend the Southeastern Association of Housing Officers (SEAHO) conference in February 2024.
The Kentucky Association of Housing Officers exists to provide opportunities of personal and professional growth for college and university housing and residence life officers across the state of Kentucky. Learn more at https://kentuckyousingofficers.org.