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Whether you have a specific person in mind, are searching for a potential match, or want to go the "random" route,  you can request a roommate through your application in the WKU Housing Portal. 


If you have a specific person you would like to request as your roommate, please do the following:

  1. Choose "Search for Specific Roommate by Name" on the "Choose a Roommate" page of the housing application. 

  2. Enter the "Roommate Screen Name" that they created at the beginning of their housing application on the "Personal Details" page. 

  3. Follow the prompts to request them as your roommate. 

The requested roommate must accept the request to confirm that the pairing is mutual.

The WKU housing application includes roommate matching questions that will provide you with a list of suggested roommates. 


During the application, you will be prompted to create a Roommate Screen Name, complete roommate matching questions, and create a personal description. These actions will generate your roommate profile to help you search and find potential roommates.


Create a Roommate Screen Name 

This is how other students will search for you and view your profile in the roommate matching system. 


Complete the Roommate Matching Questions

The system will use your responses to match you with potential roommates. 


Create a Personal Description

This is your opportunity to let potential roommates know more about you. Examples to include: interests, academic major, clubs or organizations you would like to join on campus, living habits, etc. 


After completing your roommate preferences, you will be able to access your suggested roommate matches on the "Choose a Roommate" page of the application by choosing "Review Suggested Roommates by Profile Match."

You will have the option to view their profile, send a private message, and/or send a roommate request.  

If you choose not to request or select a roommate, we will match you with another student based on your roommate preferences. 

You do not need to take any action on the "Choose a Roommate" page of the housing application. Simply select "save and continue" and continue with the application process. 


  • When you request a roommate in the housing application, a "roommate group" is created. 

  • The roommate group is your official roommate pairing request.

  • Students can be in only one roommate group at a time.

  • Either student can leave the roommate group to choose a new roommate until March 31st


  • You can edit any portion of your housing application until March 31st

  • To choose a new roommate:

    • Navigate back to the “Choose a Roommate” page on the housing application 

    • Select “Leave Group”

    • Restart the process to join a new roommate group

  • Assignments are made in date-received order from when your application fee is submitted; adding or changing a roommate at any time does not affect your date-received status. 


Access Housing Portal (my.wku.edu)

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 Last Modified 3/21/22