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Housing & Residence Life

Wednesday, February 21st, 2018
Wednesday, February 21st
All Day
  • Location: Topnet
  • Time: All Day

Renew and Choose Your On-Campus Housing for 2018-2019

Stay in your current room or find a new one, the choice is up to you! You can renew your housing on Topnet, February 20-March 31.

Depending on your preference, there are specific days and times set aside to enter "My Housing" in Topnet to select your room. Follow the schedule below to find out the time and date you need to choose your room. Click on the links in the calendar to receive more instructions. 

Reminder: All full time freshmen and sophomores are required to live on campus. Some exemptions apply. Learn more 


Learn more about Housing Renewal

7:00am - 11:55pm
  • Location: Topnet
  • Time: 7:00am - 11:55pm

Did you renew your housing yesterday? Today you can add a roommate to that room. Use that person's proxy code to add them on Topnet. Open 7:00 am - Midnight

1. Go to My Housing on Topnet. You will need the proxy code from the person you want to room with.

2. Enter the student’s proxy code in the box and click on the Add Roommate button. 

3. A confirmation message will appear and an email will be sent to you and your roommate’s WKU email.  

 View Frequently Asked Questions


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 Last Modified 12/6/18