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Housing & Residence Life

Friday, April 24th, 2015
Friday, April 24th
1:30pm - 3:30pm
  • Location: MMTH Auditorium (166)
  • Time: 1:30pm - 3:30pm

This two-hour training session reviews basic terminology and concepts surrounding sexuality and gender, and addresses barriers on campus affecting trans-identified students. The presentation is designed to help professional staff members develop action steps and plans for fostering an open, accepting and accommodating campus culture toward transgender-identified students. To view an outline of the training session and session guide, visit http://www.ryansallans.com/speak/professional-training/.

Training session open to all WKU faculty and staff.

Presented by Ryan Sallans: 

Transgender man, renowned speaker, LGBTQIA activist, and author of Second Son: Transitioning Toward My Destiny, Love and Life. Learn more about Ryan at www.ryansallans.com.

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 Last Modified 12/6/18