Living Learning Communities
Live with students who share similar academic or social interests.
- Incoming Students: The 2025-2026 Housing Application for new students is open. Learn More
- Current Students: Choose your room for 2025-2026 during Housing Renewal; phase two begins March 10. Learn More
- Spring Break: All residence halls (except PFT, Meredith, and Zacharias) will close for Spring Break at 6 PM on Friday, March 14. Learn More
WKU Living Learning Communities
In a WKU Living Learning Community (LLC), students with similar academic or social interests live together on a residence hall floor and participate in activities tailored to their specific majors or interests.
LLCs are designed to help you connect socially, succeed academically, engage with WKU faculty, staff, and administrators, and chart your course at WKU.
There is no additional cost for a Living Learning Community. However, some LLCs require students to register for specific classes; please refer to the individual LLC descriptions for additional requirements. Housing rates apply for the location of your LLC.
Academic Living Learning Communities may include enrollment in up to two linked courses that count toward your major and/or General Education requirements.
Priority housing - you will receive your housing assignment in early April.
Priority course registration for LLC courses.
Opportunity to form deeper connections with faculty and staff members.
- Opportunity to connect with people similar to yourself and create lasting relationships through your college career and beyond. You will build your support system early, preparing you as you progress through your coursework and into the career field.
“Joining the LLC allowed me to be in one of the most encouraging environments I’ve ever experienced...I had a group of 25 peers around me that I had three classes a day with, and we all lived on the same floor too. We were instant friends, and we knew so much about each other quickly. They were my first friends on campus, and we didn’t have to go through that ‘I don’t know anyone in this class’ phase. It just made it feel like home.”
Academic Living Learning Communities
The Agriculture Living Learning Community provides a residential environment that fosters peer networking and academic success for freshman who are majoring in Agriculture at WKU.
Majors include:
- Agriculture
- Agricultural Technology & Mgt
In the Agriculture LLC, you will:
- Live with other freshman Agriculture majors on the same floor in a residence hall,
- Take agriculture major courses together, and
- Participate in events throughout your freshman year that will help you to learn more about your area of study and the opportunities available in your discipline.
Participating in the Agriculture LLC is a great way to get to know other students, faculty, and staff in your program.

Satisfies major and general education requirements
Course information TBD

Normal Hall is a pod-style residence hall located in the First Year Village
I feel so grateful for the close connections that I have made with new friends living in the Agriculture LLC. I am also grateful for having an LLC fellow that has been very welcoming and encouraging throughout our first semester.
WKU Department of Agriculture and Food Science
Contact: llc@wku.edu
The Business Living Learning Community is specifically designed for first-year business-minded students to receive enhanced learning programs outside of the classroom. This community provides support toward a successful academic and eventual business career.
I am grateful for my LLC Fellows because they have worked hard this semester to connect us with professionals and create opportunities for us to begin growing in our careers. I am also grateful for the community that I have built within my LLC.
The Business Living Learning Community provides students with opportunities to connect and engage with fellow business-minded classmates, faculty, peer mentors, and business executives.
Students will benefit from programming designed to focus on community engagement, leadership, and personal development.
Students will have the opportunity to participate in business workshops, networking events with faculty, and business-related excursions. Events business LLC students can expect to attend are the Annual Hot Rods Game, Game Nights, Podsgiving, and Bowling.

Satisfies major and general education requirements

Regents Hall is a pod-style residence hall located in the First Year Village
Eligible Majors Include:
Analytics and Information Systems
Economics - Economics, Business Economics, Mathematical Economics
Exploratory within Business
Finance - Business Finance and Personal Financial Planning
Management - Business Admin, HR, Supply Chain, Entrepreneurship, Global Business Concentrations
Marketing - Sales, Strategic, and Social Media
I am beyond grateful for the growing relationships that I have fostered within the Business LLC, and the support I have received from my peers and fellows. Our LLC extends beyond the classroom and provides me an opportunity to collaborate alongside my classmates in our pod and develop deeper friendships by attending events such as board game night. One of my fellows led a group of students to a metal forming facility and provided me an opportunity to network with business professionals. With the Business Living Learning Community I have been exposed to more events and opportunities than I could have imagined and I have enjoyed attending goat yoga and many informative sessions within our pod. Even though I am only 3 months into my journey at WKU, I can proudly admit that I have created a home away from my 13 hour away home!
WKU Gordon Ford College of Business
Contact: llc@wku.edu
The College of Health and Human Services (CHHS) Living Learning Community is for first year students with majors in the College of Health and Human Services.
This Living Learning Community provides a residential environment that fosters peer networking and academic success for first year students.
Students in the CHHS LLC enroll in one common course during the fall semester, engage with their LLC Fellow, and benefit from programming tailored to their needs and interests.
Department of Applied Human Sciences
- Child and Family Services
- Hospitality Management and Dietetics
- Interior Design and Fashion Merchandising
Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders
- Communication Disorders
School of Kinesiology, Recreation, and Sport
- Physical Education
- Recreation, Park, and Non-profit Administration
- Sport Management
School of Nursing and Allied Health
- Dental Hygiene
Department of Public Health
- Environmental and Occupational Health Science
- Health Care Administration
- Health Information Management
- Health Sciences
- Public Health
Department of Social Work
- Social Work
Pre-Professional Programs
The CHHS majors listed above are often selected by students interested in pre-professional programs, such as pre-medicine, pre-physical therapy, pre-dentistry, pre-occupational therapy, pre-physician assistant, pre-optometry, and pre-pharmacy. Students with these pre-professional program interests and a declared major in the College of Health and Human Services may be considered for the CHHS LLC.
Note, students interested in the major of Exercise Science should apply to the Exercise Science LLC.

Regents Hall is a pod-style residence hall located in the First Year Village

Since learning in the LLC I have become more grateful that I am able to be neighbors with my classmates and build relationships outside the classroom. I have also been able to meet professors that work within my college just from taking the special classes offered to me for living in the LLC. I also enjoy the occasional events taking place on my floor, it helps me engage with people living on the other side of my floor and also it helps me get to know the professors and leaders of my college more. I would highly recommend living in the LLC if they ever have the chance! The relationships I have built so far in the school year is amazing and so fun!
WKU College of Health & Human Services
Contact: llc@wku.edu
The Creative Arts Living Learning Community is for first year students with majors in the creative arts.
This LLC provides a residential environment for future artists, writers, filmmakers, musicians, composers, actors, designers, technicians, and dancers to share their passion, learn together, and engage in activities intended to foster community and develop professionalism.
Students in the Creative Arts LLC enroll in up to two courses each semester, engage with their LLC Fellow, and benefit from programming tailored to their needs and interests.

Normal Hall is a pod-style residence hall located in the First Year Village
Eligible Majors Include:
- Creative Writing
- Film
- Music
- Theatre & Dance
- Visual Art & Graphic Design
I am grateful for being able to find people that share the same interest as me and who put in the same amount of effort (if not more) to accomplish what they can for their long term goal! I also find it helpful that some people in the LLC are in some of my classes so if I'm ever confused, need help, or have to work on a group assignment in that class, I have easy access to people that can help!
WKU Potter College of Arts & Letters
Contact: llc@wku.edu
The Crime & Culture Living Learning Community is for first year students with majors in the Department of Society, Culture, Crime & Justice Studies, Legal Studies, Political Science, and Philosophy.
This LLC provides a residential environment that fosters peer networking and academic success for first year students.
Students in the Crime & Culture LLC enroll in two courses each semester, engage with their LLC Fellow, and benefit from programming tailored to their needs and interests.

Satisfies major and general education requirements

Normal Hall is a pod-style residence hall located in the First Year Village
Legal Studies
Political Science
I am beyond thankful for the relationships I’ve made in my pod, as well as my phenomenal pod leader and RA. They are the ones that has helped me transition into my new life here on campus.
WKU Department of Society, Culture, Crime, & Justice Studies
Contact: llc@wku.edu
The Earth, Environmental, & Atmospheric Sciences (EEAS) LLC is a community designed for first year majors in Meteorology, Geological Sciences, Disaster Science, and Environmental, Geographic, & Sustainability Studies.
Although students may major in these distinctively different fields, the disciplines are highly interconnected, with the broad topics complementing and building upon each other. Students will receive enhanced learning programs outside of the classroom to support a successful academic and post-baccalaureate career.
This LLC provides a residential environment that fosters peer networking and academic success for first year students.
Students in the EEAS LLC enroll in up to two courses each semester, engage with their LLC Fellow, and benefit from programming tailored to their needs and interests.

Depending on their major, students will take one of the following:
- GEOG 280 - Environmental Science & Sustainability (ESGS Majors)
GEOL 111/113 - The Earth / The Earth Laboratory (GEOL Majors)
- GEOG 226 - Our Dangerous Planet

Normal Hall is a pod-style residence halls located in the First Year Village
Maintain a 3.0 GPA
Major in one of the following:
Environmental, Sustainability, & Geographic Studies;
Geological Sciences;
Students in the LLC will take either GEOG 280, GEOL 111, or METR 121, determined by their major. All students will take GEOG 175.
- Students who are transferring in AP credit for any of the above listed courses will work with the LLC faculty mentor to identify a suitable alternative for progression in the major.
I am very grateful for the experiences I have participated in just for being a part of the LLC. When I first arrived here, I was weary of what might come having 25 people living in the same close quarters for an entire year, but I slowly realized that I get to live with 25 of my best friends and we all treat each other as family. There will never be a dull moment with my LLC peers. We sit out in the pod and do homework, play games, watch movies, and most recently decorated for Christmas! We all hang out with one another as we have all picked up a little bit of pickleball and love to visit the Preston Center to play in the evenings.
WKU Earth, Environmental, & Atmospheric Sciences
Contact: llc@wku.edu
The EducationLiving Learning Community is for first year students with majors in the WKU School of Teacher Education.
All students majoring in education are welcome: elementary, special education, middle grades, secondary, all "specials" (music, art, physical education, etc.), and interdisciplinary early childhood education.
This LLC provides a learning community for future teachers to share their passion, learn together, and interact in professional growth activities that develop fellowship and professionalism.
Students in the Education LLC enroll in two courses each semester, engage with their LLC Fellow, and benefit from programming tailored to their needs and interests.

Regents Hall is a pod-style residence hall located in the First Year Village
I have felt so happy being involved in such a strong group of people to live with. The constant support and help I have received has made college so much easier. I have never been so comfortable to ask questions and ask for help. The RAs have been amazing as well, especially mine. They are always willing to answer questions or listen.
WKU School of Teacher Education
Contact: llc@wku.edu
The Exercise Science Living Learning Community is designed for first-year students in the School of Kinesiology, Recreation, and Sport who are majoring in Exercise Science.
Each semester, LLC members will enroll in two courses together that are required for the Exercise Science major. Students will also live on the same floor of a residence hall with other Exercise Science students and will benefit from peer engagement, faculty mentorship, and experiential learning opportunities.
Members of the LLC will have opportunities to engage with each other, with faculty members, and with other students in the Exercise Science program. Examples of engagement and educational activities include:
- Guest speakers and discussions on topics in Exercise Science
- Educational exercise sessions
- Pre-registration group advising session
- Peer mentoring
- Faculty meet and greets

Satisfies major and general education requirements

Regents Hall is a pod-style residence halls located in the First Year Village
I am thankful for the opportunity to meet lots of friends, and having neighborhood style living within my pod.
To be eligible to join the EXS LLC, students must:
- Be a first-year student
- Major in Exercise Science
- Express interest in the EXS LLC on their housing application and answer the required questions.
Applicants will be chosen based on GPA and stated interest in the program. Members of the LLC are expected to enroll in the designated foundational courses (two per semester) with their cohort.
Contact: llc@wku.edu
The F1RST Gen Living Learning Communityis for first-year first-generation college students. If neither of your parents/guardians have a Bachelor’s (four-year) degree from an American college or university, you are a first-generation college student. You are not alone! About 30% of WKU students are first-gen and there are many faculty, staff, and alumni who are first-gen graduates.
This LLC will create an opportunity for you to learn how to be a great college student and maximize your college experience. Students will take courses together and learn more about major/career path options, campus resources, how to access high impact learning experiences, and laying a foundation for future academic and career success. This LLC is open to any first-generation student who does not already have credit for the linked courses and is best suited for exploratory students who are not sure of their major/career path.

Satisfies general education requirements
- IDST 199: University Learning (for First Gen students)
- Dynamic Leadership Institute
- FIN 161: Personal Finance
- Dynamic Leadership Institute

Regents Hall is a pod-style residence halls located in the First Year Village
Opportunities to develop an academic/professional network that includes current students and faculty, including mentorship
Career coaching and exploratory advisement in partnership with the Academic Career and Development Center (ACDC)
Success strategies programming including study skills, financial literacy, time management, and more
Shared learning experience that includes two courses in the fall semester and at least one course in the spring semester
Phase 1 of the Dynamic Leadership Institute (DLI).
Group social activities and opportunities to gain leadership skills and experience
F1rst Gen LLC students will be encouraged to participate in F1rst Gen on the Hill programming, which is open to all students at WKU.
Contact: llc@wku.edu
The Media Living Learning Community is for first year students with majors in the WKU School of Media & Communication.
This LLC provides a residential environment that fosters peer networking and academic success for first year students.
Students in the Media LLC enroll in up to two courses each semester, engage with their LLC Fellow, and benefit from programming tailored to their needs and interests.
Public Relations
Visual Journalism and Photography
Satisfies general education requirements.
Students who are majoring in Broadcasting, Journalism, and Photojournalism:
- PS 110 - American National Government
Students who are majoring in Advertising, and Public Relations:
- PS 110 - American National Government

Normal Hall is a pod-style residence hall located in the First Year Village
Contact: llc@wku.edu
The Nursing Living Learning Community provides a residential community of students living together in a designated residence hall that shares a common academic/professional interest. This community offers strategic programming, resources, and support related to students' shared focus/interest of becoming a nurse. LLCs can help enhance student academic and social experiences. The Pre-Nursing LLC is for students who plan to attend the BSN program at WKU.
This LLC is limited to students with a Pre-Nursing major designation.

Regents Hall is a pod-style residence halls located in the First Year Village

Satisfies major and general education requirements
I love the community that the living learning community has provided me. Coming to college can be overwhelming and having familiar faces that are in my classes and major has allowed me the opportunity to make connections and community within my major and also my dorm. People from my pod often meet up in our shared living spaces and eat dinner together, catch up, study, and hang out. Being in an LLC has made the transition easier for me and allowed me to connect with other people who understand my schedule and learn together. We also have monthly LLC events throughout the community of Bowling Green that has allowed me to meet new people, serve, and learn about new places in the surrounding area off campus.
WKU School of Nursing and Allied Health
Contact: llc@wku.edu
The Ogden Sciences Living Learning Community provides a residential environment that fosters peer networking and academic success for first-year students who are interested in majoring in a science through the Ogden College of Science and Engineering. This LLC includes thematic academic programming where LLC members take two courses together each semester. The courses, the LLC, and the LLC activities are geared toward exploring science and its social impact on the lives of others.
Students who are eligible for the Ogden College LLC are first-time first-year students who would like to major in an Ogden College of Science and Engineering (OCSE) major or who are undecided but affiliated with OCSE.
Priority will be given to OCSE students who are not eligible for OCSE’s other Living Learning Communities, like Biochemistry, Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, Medical Laboratory Science, Middle Grades Mathematics, Molecular Biotechnology, Neuroscience, Physics, or Psychological Science.
To be eligible, a student must:
- Be able to take one of these MATH courses in their fall semester: MATH 116 College Algebra, MATH 117 Trigonometry, MATH 136 Calculus 1, or MATH 183 Introductory Statistics;
- Be prepare to take ENG 200 Introduction to Literature in the spring term by completing the ENG 100 requirement by the end of the fall term.
Student commits to taking two courses each term with LLC members in their first-year.

Satisfies major and general education requirements
- Another course TBD
- ENG 200 - Introduction to Literature
- BIOL (113 for non-majors; 120 or 122 for majors), or
- CHEM (105/106 for non-majors; 120 for majors)

Normal Hall is a pod-style residence halls located in the First Year Village
- Biochemistry
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Mathematics
- Medical Laboratory Science
- Middle Grades Mathematics
- Middle School Science Education
- Molecular Biotechnology
- Physics
- Psychological Science
[I am thankful for] the connections my LLC brought me through knowing people within my major. It was very helpful having others right next door who were taking the same courses as me!
Contact: llc@wku.edu
The Potter College of Arts & Letters (PCAL) "Living PCAL" Living Learning Community (LLC) will offer a dynamic and immersive experience for first-year students pursuing majors in English, Political Science, Modern Languages, and Exploratory studies.
Rooted in PCAL’s mission to foster critical thinking, creativity, and communication through the visual and performing arts, humanities, media, and social sciences, this LLC aims to cultivate a supportive, interdisciplinary learning environment that emphasizes academic engagement, social belonging, and professional development.
This LLC provides a residential environment for students interested in the Humanities that fosters peer networking and academic success for first year students.
Students in the Living PCAL enroll in one course each semester, engage with their LLC Fellow, and benefit from programming tailored to their needs and interests.

Satisfies general education requirements
- PCAL 175 - Potter College of Arts & Letters University Experience*
- Additional course based on major

Pod-style residence halls located in the First Year Village.
- English (Creative Writing, Literature, Professional Writing, TESL)
- Communication (Communication Studies)
- Political Science (International Affairs, Legal Studies, Political Science, Philosophy, Professional Legal Studies)
- Modern Languages (Chinese, Spanish)
- History (Asian Studies, Legal Studies, Religious Studies, History, Social Studies)
WKU Potter College of Arts & Letters
Contact: llc@wku.edu
PSYCH - Psychology Students Yearning to Climb Higher
The PSYCH (Psychology Students Yearning to Climb Higher) LIving Learning Community is for first year students majoring in Psychology at WKU. Students majoring in Psychological Sciences should apply to the Ogden Sciences LLC.
This LLC provides a residential environment for psychologists that fosters peer networking and academic success for first year students.
Students in the PSYCH LLC enroll in up to two courses each semester, engage with their LLC Fellow, and benefit from programming tailored to their needs and interests.

Satisfies general education requirements
- PSY220 - Introduction to Developmental Psychology
- TBD Colonnade course
- PSY210/211
- PHIL 102 - Enduring Questions: The Good and the Beautiful

Regents Hall is a pod-style residence hall located in the First Year Village
- Declared Psychology Major
- Eligibility for MATH 183
I am thankful for my LLC because I have made genuine close connects to people that I can now call my closest friends. I have also been able to be more connected to my major in psychology and have learned ways to advance toward my future career. I have also had many activities that have gotten me more connected on campus. I wouldn’t change this opportunity for anything else.
Contact: llc@wku.edu
The School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS) Living Learning Community provides a residential environment for first year students that fosters peer networking and academic success for students who are majoring in any of the nine undergraduate programs in SEAS through the Ogden College of Science and Engineering.
In the SEAS LLC, you will live with other students majoring in a SEAS discipline on the same residence hall floor, take at least two courses together, and participate in SEAS LLC events throughout your freshmen year to learn about your major, grow professionally, and make academic and social connections.
Participating in the SEAS LLC is a great way to get to know other students, faculty, and staff in your discipline.
I am thankful for having the given experiences and being able to make friends with the ones in similar fields and who live on the same floor.

For Architectural Science, Civil Engineering, and Construction Management Majors:
For Computer Information Technology, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Manufacturing Engineering Technology, and Mechanical Engineering Majors:
- will take next major course in their sequence together

Normal Hall is a pod-style residence halls located in the First Year Village
Eligible Majors Include:
- Architectural Science
- Civil Engineering
- Construction Management
- Computer Information Technology
- Computer Science
- Electrical Engineering
- Manufacturing Engineering Technology
- Mechanical Engineering
I am grateful for the connections and friends I have made during this semester through my LLC. Everyone is so nice and we are able to work on things together since we have most of the same classes. Being able to connect with people with the same major is amazing.
WKU School of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Contact: llc@wku.edu
Interest-Based Living Learning Communities
The Chinese Flagship Living Learning Community is for first year students in WKU’s Chinese Flagship Program.
This LLC provides a residential environment for Chinese speakers that fosters peer networking and academic success for first-year students.
Students in the Chinese Flagship LLC enroll in up-to-two courses each semester, engage with their LLC Fellow, and benefit from programming tailored to their needs and interests.
Having people near me who are going through the same struggles when it comes to language learning has made such a difference. On top of that, we have the unique opportunity to participate in celebrations and events that are important to Chinese culture. One of my favorite LLC events was the mid-autumn festival, or my classmates/floormates and I got to make moon cakes and other traditional treats.

Minton Hall is a community-style residence hall located in the middle of campus across from Downing Student Union, which houses the main ISEC offices.
Contact: llc@wku.edu
The Intercultural Student Engagement Center (ISEC) Academy Living Learning Community is a Western Kentucky University initiative/program to assist students that have barriers to student success and/or who are first generation, Pell eligible, and have some need with their transition, persistence, and graduation.
Please note that living in the LLC is not a requirement to be a part of ISEC but is encouraged.
This LLC provides a residential environment for students that fosters peer networking and academic success.
Students in the ISEC Academy LLC enroll in two courses each semester, engage with their LLC Fellow, and benefit from programming tailored to their needs and interests.
This LLC is for first-year and second-year students only.
[I am thankful for] the family away from home that is has provided me, it’s a priceless support system, filled with love and black excellence that keeps me on my path and lifts me up when I fall.

Satisfies major and general education requirements

Minton Hall is a community-style residence hall located in the middle of campus across from Downing Student Union, which houses the main ISEC offices.

Munday Hall is a hotel-style residence hall located in the Centennial Village.
Contact: llc@wku.edu
The WKU Mahurin Honors College Living Learning Community is a welcoming space for students who are motivated to enhance their college experience by learning and growing alongside like-minded peers. Our community values diverse academic interests and encourages students from all backgrounds to explore their potential in an inclusive, supportive environment. With a focus on fostering both personal and academic growth, the MHC LLC in Minton Hall provides a dynamic atmosphere where you can thrive, surrounded by others who share your drive to make the most of their time at WKU.
Students in the MHC LLC enroll in up to two courses each semester, engage with their LLC Fellow, and benefit from programming tailored to their needs and interests.
Students must be admitted to the Mahurin Honors College
I am grateful to live with the same people that are in my Honors 251 class. It was great to walk into class on the first day and see so many people that I have already encountered on my dorm floor. It is great that I can walk next door and talk with my neighbors about assignments or projects from Honors 251 that I need clarification on. I have also loved being in this location. Being so close to DSU and the honors college has been wonderful.

Contact: llc@wku.edu
The Army ROTC Living Learning Community is for students who:
- Are enrolling in the ROTC program and a Military Science course
- Want to live in the same residence hall and form connections with other Army ROTC students
- Want to participate in extracurricular activities that connect learning in and out of the classroom
Army ROTC partners with Western Kentucky University to recruit, educate, develop, and inspire ROTC Cadets in order to commission officers of character for the Total Army.
The Army ROTC Living Learning Community consists of a diverse group of first-year students who are engaged in the Army ROTC program, and a variety of co-curricular activities. The living learning community will create camaraderie and team building among ROTC students, ensure each ROTC student is persistent in their academics and connect ROTC students with faculty/staff to track student success through mentorship opportunities. Students in the living learning community will have access to many different opportunities to enhance their abilities and prepare them for their future careers.
Students in the ROTC LLC enroll in up to two courses each semester, engage with their LLC Fellow, and benefit from programming tailored to their needs and interests.

Meredith Hall is a suite-style residence hall located in the First Year Village.
Contact: llc@wku.edu
The Stonewall Suites (LGBTQ+) Living Learning Community is for students who strive to promote social integration and change for all gender identities, gender expressions and sexual orientations.
This LLC is open to any student interested in participating. Students in the Stonewall Suites LLC enroll in one course each semester, engage with their LLC Fellow, and benefit from programming tailored to their needs and interests.

Satisfies major and general education requirements

Meredith Hall is a suite style hall located in the First Year Village
I am so grateful to be surrounded by people who understand my identity and strive to make the world safer for people like me. I can talk about important issues with my peers and learn about the history of those who came before me in one of the LLC's courses. I feel that in everyday life, roles and expectations prevent people from truly connecting. Everyone understands how you feel in Stonewall Suites because everyone's been there before. I've met such wonderful trans, queer, and nonbinary people who I feel have enriched my social life this year as a nervous freshman. I'm forever grateful that WKU has an LLC where I truly feel accepted, heard, and empowered.
Contact: llc@wku.edu
Read More:
WKU Spirit Magazine: Living Learning Communities - Important Piece of WKU Freshman Experience
Living Learning Community options and locations may be subject to change.
Apply for a Living Learning Community through your WKU Housing Application.
Depending on the LLC, you may be asked to submit more information.
If you need to update your application to choose a different LLC, contact llc@wku.edu and provide your WKU ID number. Selecting a new LLC from the drop-down menu on the housing application will not update your LLC Application.
All LLC Applications are reviewed by the LLC Fellows. Space is limited and an offer is not guaranteed. Waitlists are available.
- Students who applied for an LLC between December 1 – February 4 will receive an update on their status on February 14. The a deadline to respond (accept/deny) to an offer is February 28.
- Students who applied for an LLC between February 5 – March 31 will receive an update on their status on April 4. The deadline to respond (accept/deny) to an offer is April 8.
If you receive an LLC Placement Offer
Students must accept or decline the offer in the WKU Housing Portal within the provided timeframe.
To accept, follow the instructions in the WKU Housing Portal and confirm the LLC Learning Contract.
If the student chooses to deny the offer, the student can apply for a different LLC in their WKU Housing application.
If you accept, you will be assigned to the building/floor housing the LLC.
If you receive an LLC Waitlist Offer
The student will be added to the LLC if a placement becomes available.
If the student does not want to be added to the waitlist for the LLC, they can deny the waitlist offer and apply for a new LLC in their WKU Housing Application.
M.A.S.T.E.R. Plan is WKU's transition program for all new undergraduate students and is designed to help you transition to your new life as a Hilltopper.
During M.A.S.T.E.R. Plan, LLC participants will have special programming and events, meet with their LLC faculty/staff fellow, and start to form those special LLC bonds with one another.
All first year Living Learning Community students are required to attend M.A.S.T.E.R. Plan

WKU faculty share about WKU Living Learning Communities
Although each LLC has unique opportunities, they all share the same vital purpose and goal: nurturing and developing a prosperous Hilltopper student to become engaged with other students and faculty throughout campus.
WKU student attributes collegiate success to involvement in Living Learning Community
“The LLC was the biggest thing that contributed to my success within the Gordon Ford College of Business itself, not only as a person, but also as a college student...”
“Living in an LLC makes it easier for us to access our teachers.”
Danielle Williams, a member of the Criminology Living Learning Community (LLC) at WKU, has found life in an LLC beneficial for starting her academic journey.
“I’ve made some of my best friends through the Business LLC.”
Nick Herdegen, a member of the Business Living Learning Community, says that being a part of the Business LLC helped him transition into WKU both academically and socially.
“I’ve made some of my best friends through the Business LLC.”
Nick Herdegen, a member of the Business Living Learning Community, says that being a part of the Business LLC helped him transition into WKU both academically and socially.
“It’s great because we’re all in the same classes and I have people I can bond with.” He explained that being in an LLC means being surrounded by “people who all specialize in what you learn”, which gives you a great opportunity to help and be helped by the people who live right down the hall.
Additionally, he explained that being in an LLC gave him a community of people as soon as he arrived on the Hill, as there are often events such as visiting Chaney’s Dairy Barn or Monopoly nights that allow the students in the LLC to get to know each other.
Even though Nick has switched from pursuing an accounting degree to the pre-nursing program, he still feels like the LLC experience benefited him greatly and helped him connect with other Hilltoppers.
Photo & interview by WKU student, Isabelle Hannah ('24)
“I have people living with me, who are also in the same classes as me. I’m able to connect with them and practice speaking Chinese with them.”
Taryn Guyer, a member of the Chinese Flagship Living Learning Community, explained that she is more motivated to complete her work when she sees all the people around her completing and collaborating on assignments.
Have you ever been interested in learning a new language? Or in learning more about a culture?
WKU’s Chinese Flagship Program offers students an opportunity to learn Chinese with no previous knowledge of the language, by immersing them in Chinese classes five days a week and giving them an opportunity to engage with native speakers.
Taryn Guyer, a member of the Chinese Flagship Living Learning Community (LLC) explained that being a part of the LLC gave her a unique opportunity to learn more about the language from being surrounded by members of her classes in her residence hall.
“I have people living with me, who are also in the same classes as me. I’m able to connect with them and practice speaking Chinese with them.”
Taryn also explained that being in an LLC is academically beneficial, as she is more motivated to complete her work when she sees all the people around her completing and collaborating on assignments.
“There are people who live in the LLC that are in more advanced classes than me, and I am able to ask them for help.”
The Chinese Flagship LLC offers students in the program a unique opportunity to become even more immersed in learning the Chinese language, as it surrounds them with people who are all learning and practicing the same language.
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