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Climbing to Greater Heights

Frequently Asked Questions

WKU residence hall and apartment annual rates will remain more affordable than the average rate for similar residence halls and apartments in Kentucky Universities, despite a slight increase in rates.

Community-Style Rates

  • Standard 2% annual rate increase to mirror inflation

  • Rates remain 4% more affordable than the Kentucky System average for similar beds

Hotel and Suite Style Rates

  • 5% annual increase until 2018

  • 2% annual increase thereafter

  • Rates remain 10% more affordable than the Kentucky System average for similar beds

Apartment Rates

  • 7% annual increase through 2019

  • 2% annual increase thereafter

  • Rates remain 2% more affordable than the Kentucky System average for similar beds

No. Financing for housing projects are provided through the WKU Student Life Foundation. Student housing rates have seen a slight increase to align with the Kentucky System average, and housing rates do help contribute to housing operations, programming, and future projects.

The WKU Student Life Foundation renovated every residence hall from 2001 through 2010 helping the University sustain tremendous gains in enrollment. In support of the University's broader goals for the next ten years, the Student Life Foundation seeks to make WKU housing a "value-added" asset compared to other institutions. There is also a need for more living options for all classifications of WKU students.

A new residence hall has not been built on WKU's campus since 1992. After an extensive review of the residence hall inventory, it was determined that it would be more cost-effective and conducive to our programming goals to demolish the pre-existing cross-style buildings than to renovate. 

In order to maintain the amount of beds while Barnes Campbell Hall and Bemis Lawrence Hall are demolished and new pod-style housing goes up, a new residence hall in the Valley, Hilltopper Hall, would need to be built. 

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 Last Modified 1/13/20