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Climbing to Greater Heights

First Year Village & New Residence Halls

Opened Fall 2021! 

The WKU First Year Village encompasses the residence halls in the south end of campus, including two new residence halls, where focused first-year programming takes place.

The First Year Village includes the construction of two new residence halls, Normal Hall and Regents Hall. These halls will utilize space in a way that enables deep faculty and peer engagement around important ideas that connect directly to student success and learning.

The initiative has been directed and shaped by the University’s Strategic Plan, Climbing to Greater Heights, which states, “in our effort to significantly increase our first to second year retention, we will focus our attention and central resources on a robust and engaging First Year Experience. Each WKU freshman will have the opportunity to reside in Living Learning Communities.”



In the new residence halls, approximately 25 students will share common spaces such as a community space, two community bathrooms, one private bathroom, and a kitchen.



  • Study Rooms

  • Classrooms

  • Dining Locations
  • Music Practice/Recording Studios





Located inside Regents Hall:

Java City Coffee Hand Roasted Est. 1985

The Spread Wicked Good Subs


Located Next to Pearce Ford Tower, Douglas Keen and Hugh Poland Halls:

The Den by Denny's

The Pit Stop Convenience Store



Spirit Magazine spread 

Check out the First Year Village feature in the WKU Spirit Magazine from the Alumni Association.


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Bemis Closed
Bemis Lawrence Hall & PFT Parking Lot Closes
May 2019

Bemis Lawrence Hall closed permanently at the end of the 2019 spring semester. 

The majority of the Pearce Ford Tower parking lot closed. The outer perimeter remains open.

Construction Begins
First Year Village Construction Begins
June 2019

Construction begins on the First Year Village.

Bemis Lawrence Hall Demolition
Bemis Lawrence Hall Demolition
July-October 2019

Interior preparation began July 1, 2019. Minor demolition began in August. "The First Bite," which is the first large section taken out of the top of the building, will be taken on September 6, 2019. Full demolition will be completed in approximately 90 days. 


Access Drive Completed
Access Drive Addition
September-December 2019
A one-way access drive will will be constructed from University Boulevard behind Meredith and down to PFT. The project includes ADA accessible and metered parking spaces. Completion scheduled for December 2019.
Barnes Campbell Hall Closed Checkmark
Barnes Campbell Hall Closes
November 2020

Barnes Campbell Hall will close permanently at the end of the spring fall 2020. 

Barnes Demolition Complete
Barnes Campbell Hall Demolition
January 2021

Demolition begins on Barnes Campbell Hall and will be completed in approximately 90 days.


WKU First Year Village
First Year Village Opens
August 2021


Both First Year Village buildings open to students


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 Last Modified 2/18/22